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To run Botyard on your machine, there are two ways: using Docker (recommended) or building it yourself using the Go compiler for server and Node.js with npm for web client.


  1. Clone Botyard repository

    git clone
    cd ./botyard
  2. Setup environment variables

    Next you need an .env file with some secret keys. You can create it manually reading this, or use a prepared script that will generate it for you by the command below:

    make init-env
  3. Change the standard configuration (optional)

    You can modify config/botyard.config.json file to setting the necessary information about your project and limits.

    See full reference about config here.

  4. Build a docker image and start a new container

    docker compose up -d

And finally go to http://localhost:7007 to see the result.

To stop the container, use this:

docker compose down

Build from source

  1. Clone Botyard repository

    git clone
    cd ./botyard
  2. Build client & server

    make build
  3. Setup environment variables

    Next you need an .env file with some secret keys. You can create it manually reading this, or use a prepared script that will generate it for you by the command below:

    make init-env
  4. Change the standard configuration (optional)

    You can modify config/botyard.config.json file to setting the necessary information about your project and limits.

    See full reference about config here.

  5. Run a compiled binary


And finally go to http://localhost:7007 to see the result.